C (166/254)

From:Allan Odgaard
Date:23 Apr 00 at 00:02:21
Subject:Re: StormC 4 (was Re: StormC3.0 Ed slooow)

On 22-Apr-00, Bart King wrote:

> But when I asked about StormC 4, they replied "StormC 4? That's news to
> us.". Surely a major distributor such as Blittersoft - which has close
> links with H&P - would even know about it, even though it's beta?

I'm not sure why a distributor should know everything about the internal
development of beta versions etc. for all its clients...

> So, what does StormC 4 do that StormC 3 doesn't, apart from bug fixes? [...]

Sorry, NDA!

Regards Allan

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